A brief profile of our city Iligan

Iligan City is located in Northeastern part of Mindanao facing Iligan Bay and the coordinates are 3˚29' North latitude and 124˚39' East longitude with the area about no less than 813.37 sq.km that comprise of 44 barangays.
We are located outside the typhoon belt and an earthquake free zone. We have rainfall throughout the year and don't have cold weather because we are situated on a tropical location.
We have a total population of 322,821 persons as of May 2010.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Iligan City Hall

Buhanginan Hills, Pala-o
9200 Iligan City
Website http://www.iligan.gov.ph/

Location Iligan City is situated in Northern Mindanao (Region 10). Approximately 800 kilometers southeast of Manila.
Date created June 16, 1950 under R.A. 525
Land area 81,337 hectares (813.37 sq. km.)
Climate Short dry season (for one to three months). Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year.
Population 308,046(Aug.2007 NSO Census)
No. of barangays 44
Religion Predominantly Roman Catholic
Major dialect Cebuano
Cultural minority minority Higaonons, Maranao, Kolibugan
City classification Highly urbanized
Industries 11 Major Industries
Banks 24 (4 public; 20 private)
Tourism 23, waterfalls, 8 springs, 15 caves
School 181 schools (106 public; 75 private; 17 madrasah) including vocational and technical schools
Literacy rate 94.71
Health facilities 5 hospitals (4 private; 1 public), 49 Brgy. Health centers, 1 Main Health Center
Seaports 1 public port; 9 private & 2 fishing ports
Power 3 hydro-electric power plants
Communication * 4 Digital Telephone Systems
* 2 Wireless Telephone Systems (Smart Comm. Inc. & Globe)
* 2 Cable Stations
* 1 TV Station
* 8 Radio Stations
* Messengerial Agencies / Cargo Forwarders
* 1 Post Office
* 4 newspaper publications
* 4 Internet Service Companies (Iligan Global Access Network, MARANET, Weblink & Philweb) & other private internet cafes located within the city
Transport Land - 2 Bus companies
Sea - 4 shipping lines

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